What Are Satoshis (Sats)?


Jake Morr


July 2, 2024

Satoshis, or sats for short, are the smallest denomination of Bitcoin. There are 100 million satoshis in each Bitcoin, meaning a single satoshi is equivalent to 0.00000001 BTC. Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, designed Bitcoin to have a finite supply of 21 million Bitcoins, ensuring its scarcity. However, Bitcoin's divisibility into satoshis allows it to be used for transactions of any size, even as the value of a single Bitcoin appreciates. This is similar to how a single dollar can be broken down into 100 pennies.

Some Bitcoin proponents believe that in the future, sats will represent generational wealth. They argue that if Bitcoin fulfills its promise of improving how we communicate, measure, store, transact, and share value, then the value of Bitcoin—and consequently, each satoshi—will increase.

Frequently Asked Questions About Satoshis

How many satoshis are there in one Bitcoin?

There are 100,000,000 (one hundred million) satoshis in one Bitcoin. This divisibility enables Bitcoin to be transacted in small amounts, even as the value of a single Bitcoin rises.

How does Bitcoin's divisibility impact its use?

Bitcoin's divisibility significantly enhances its utility as a store of value and medium of exchange. Although there are a limited number of Bitcoin (21 million), each Bitcoin is divisible into 100 million satoshis. This divisibility allows for transactions in small amounts, even as the value of a single Bitcoin increases. This contrasts with gold, which is challenging to divide into small, spendable amounts.

The divisibility of Bitcoin has several key implications for its use:

  • Accessibility: Bitcoin's divisibility makes it accessible to individuals of all income levels, enabling them to utilize it as a savings mechanism regardless of the amount. Learn more about why you should care about Bitcoin.
  • Flexibility: It facilitates micropayments, which are small transactions that traditional payment systems often struggle to handle cost-effectively. Understand Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions.
  • Precision: Bitcoin's divisibility allows for precise measurement of value, making it suitable for a wide range of transactions.

The combination of scarcity and divisibility is crucial for Bitcoin's effectiveness as a monetary good. This combination allows Bitcoin to function as both a store of value similar to gold and a medium of exchange with the potential to surpass fiat currency. However, some argue that Bitcoin's limited transaction capacity could hinder its ability to become a mainstream medium of exchange.

What can you do with sats?

Sats can be used for a variety of purposes due to their nature as a representation of value on the Bitcoin network.

  • Sending and Receiving Payments: You can receive sats by sharing your Bitcoin address, which is derived from your private key, with someone. This address can be shared in various formats like QR codes, numbers, emojis, audio files, or even braille. You don't need to be online to receive sats. Conversely, you can send sats by creating a Bitcoin transaction, which is essentially a message signed with your private key, indicating the transfer of a specific amount of sats to another address. Learn more about the key differences between custodial and non-custodial Bitcoin wallets.
  • Micropayments: Sats facilitate micropayments, which are small transactions that traditional payment systems often struggle to handle efficiently.
  • Social Media Engagement: Sats can be utilized for promoting engagement on social media platforms. For instance, on the Nostr protocol, users might need to pay a small amount of sats to comment on a post or send a direct message. This can help curb spam and create a more valuable online experience.
  • Tipping and Donations: The ability to send and receive small amounts of value makes sats ideal for tipping content creators or making micro-donations.
  • Lightning Network: Sats are also the fundamental unit of value on the Lightning Network, a "layer 2" payment protocol built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. The Lightning Network enables faster and cheaper Bitcoin transactions by creating payment channels between users. Discover more about the use of hardware wallets in Bitcoin transactions.

It's important to remember that using sats for some of these applications might require integrating with specific platforms or protocols. The sources highlight the importance of self-custody and understanding the technical aspects of Bitcoin, like private keys and transactions, to fully leverage the potential of sats. Additionally, they emphasize that Bitcoin and, by extension, sats represent a significant shift in how we think about and interact with money and value.

What is a potential societal benefit of sats?

A potential societal benefit of sats is that they could help to reduce spam by making it more costly. For example, one idea is that clients would only show messages that pass some sort of sat threshold, meaning that users would have to pay a small amount of sats to have their messages seen. This would make it more difficult for spammers to operate, as they would need to spend more money to reach their target audience. The idea is that the value of people's time and attention is significant, and that people should be compensated for it. However, some experts believe that these solutions may be futile because the cost of spam is ultimately paid for by the user in terms of their time.

What are the potential benefits of using satoshis for micropayments?

Micropayments with Satoshis: Overcoming the Limitations of Traditional Systems

Satoshis, the smallest units of Bitcoin (BTC), offer a compelling solution to the long-standing challenge of micropayments online. The traditional financial system, with its reliance on intermediaries and fee structures, has made it impractical to send small amounts of money online. Satoshis, however, can be transferred with very low fees, approaching zero on networks like the Lightning Network. This unlocks the possibility of "micropayments," which are small digital payments that would be too costly to send through traditional channels. The ability to send and receive satoshis efficiently and cost-effectively could revolutionize the way we interact and transact online, enabling new business models and incentivizing quality content. For example, users could pay a few satoshis to access a website, eliminating the need for subscriptions or advertising. Similarly, content creators could receive micropayments directly from consumers, fostering a more equitable and sustainable online ecosystem.

A Deeper Look at the Potential of Satoshi-Based Micropayments

The divisibility of Bitcoin into satoshis is a key feature enabling microtransactions. With transaction costs potentially lower than existing international transfer methods, satoshis present an efficient solution for cross-border transactions. The ability to send small amounts of value quickly and cheaply also opens up possibilities for new applications in areas like social media, where users could use satoshis to reward quality content or deter spam and malicious behavior. Furthermore, the integration of satoshis into online platforms could transform the digital landscape, potentially leading to the development of innovative incentive systems and a more equitable distribution of value.

Beyond Micropayments: The Broader Implications of Satoshi Divisibility

The capacity for micropayments is just one facet of the broader potential of satoshis. As Bitcoin gains wider adoption and its value increases, the purchasing power of individual satoshis will rise. This could lead to a future where satoshis become a universal unit of account for various goods and services. The use of satoshis for micropayments also aligns with the core principles of Bitcoin: decentralization, security, and global accessibility. By lowering the barrier to entry for participation in the Bitcoin network, satoshis have the potential to empower individuals and foster greater financial inclusion around the world.

What is a sat technically?

A sat, short for satoshi, is the smallest unit of a Bitcoin. There are 100 million satoshis in every Bitcoin. Think of it like the cents in a dollar. While we usually talk about whole Bitcoins, you can actually send and receive fractions of a Bitcoin using satoshis.

Why are Sats Important?

  • Micropayments: Sats make it possible to send very small amounts of value online, something that's difficult with traditional payment systems due to high fees. Explore how Bitcoin dust affects transactions.
  • Future Value: As Bitcoin becomes more widely adopted, the value of individual sats is expected to increase. Some people believe that in the future, we might be pricing everyday goods and services in sats. Learn about the Cantillon effect.

Explain how/why sats can exist, i.e., the UTXO model

UTXO Model: Understanding Bitcoin's Building Blocks

Bitcoin transactions don't function like traditional accounts. Instead of a running balance, Bitcoin utilizes a system called Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) to track ownership and enable transactions.

Imagine UTXOs as individual coins or bills in your physical wallet. When you receive Bitcoin, it's not as a single sum, but rather specific amounts associated with each UTXO. Let's say you get 2 BTC. This becomes a single UTXO. If you spend 1.5 BTC, this UTXO is broken up. One new UTXO of 1.5 BTC goes to the recipient, and another UTXO of 0.5 BTC is sent back to you as change.

Each UTXO has a history within the Bitcoin blockchain. When you spend Bitcoin, your wallet references specific UTXOs as inputs to prove you own those funds. This history allows for the verification of transactions and prevents issues like double-spending. ScriptSig and ScriptPubKey are technical mechanisms within each UTXO that ensure only the rightful owner can spend the associated Bitcoin.

Because UTXOs are specific and divisible, they allow for the existence of satoshis (sats). Since a satoshi is simply the smallest unit of a Bitcoin (100 million satoshis = 1 BTC), the UTXO model allows wallets to combine, split, and send these fractions of Bitcoin just like physical currency. Discover the importance of block headers in blockchain transactions.

What are the monetary characteristics of sats?

Sats as Monetary Units

Satoshi (sats), the smallest unit of Bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC), inherit the monetary characteristics of Bitcoin itself. Bitcoin, much like traditional forms of money, derives value from its function as a tool to communicate value. Money is essentially tokenized energy operating within a socio-political framework.

  • Scarcity: A key attribute of a reliable store of value is its scarcity. Scarcity drives desirability, making an asset suitable for long-term use as a medium of exchange. Bitcoin's design enforces a finite supply of 21 million coins, and this scarcity underpins its value proposition.
  • Divisibility: Useful money needs to be easily divisible to facilitate transactions of various sizes. Bitcoin's structure, with sats as its smallest unit, allows for highly precise divisions of value (up to 8 decimal places).
  • Fungibility: Each satoshi, like Bitcoin itself, is interchangeable with any other satoshi. This fungibility ensures smooth and uniform transactions within the Bitcoin network.
  • Store of Value: For an asset to function as money, it needs to retain purchasing power over time. Individuals and firms rely on this stability for long-term economic well-being. While sats inherit Bitcoin's potential as a store of value, it is important to note that Bitcoin's price can be volatile, particularly in the short term. This volatility can impact sats' ability to consistently store value, particularly when compared to more established monetary systems.
  • Medium of Exchange: The ultimate test of a monetary good is its adoption as a medium of exchange. While Bitcoin, and by extension sats, are increasingly recognized as a form of currency, their use in everyday transactions is still developing. Factors such as price volatility and regulatory hurdles can impact broader adoption as a medium of exchange. Explore the nature of money in the context of Bitcoin.

While the sources do not explicitly detail all potential monetary features of sats, they highlight that Bitcoin's value is deeply intertwined with its scarcity, its capacity to be divided into smaller units (sats), and its potential to function as a store of value and medium of exchange.

Explain the Lightning Network in regards to sats/satoshis

What is the Lightning Network?

The Lightning Network is a "second layer" network that operates on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Instead of recording every transaction on the main Bitcoin blockchain (Layer 1), the Lightning Network allows users to open payment channels between one another. This means a virtually unlimited number of transactions can be conducted off-chain, with only the initial opening and final closing transactions being recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain.

How the Lightning Network Uses Sats

The Lightning Network uses satoshis (sats), the smallest unit of Bitcoin, to enable these efficient microtransactions. Since Lightning transactions happen off-chain, they are incredibly fast (nearly instantaneous) and have extremely low fees, often fractions of a penny. This makes it ideal for sending small amounts of value, like those needed to buy a cup of coffee or tip content creators, without waiting for lengthy blockchain confirmations.

How to Use the Lightning Network

To use the Lightning Network, you would typically need a Lightning wallet. Some popular options include BlueWallet, Wallet of Satoshi, and Muun Wallet. These wallets connect to the Lightning Network and allow you to send and receive sats.

Here's how a simple Lightning transaction might work:

  • Open a Channel: You would first need to open a payment channel with someone you want to transact with or with a well-connected node. This involves locking up a small amount of Bitcoin on the Lightning Network.
  • Transact: Once the channel is open, you can send sats back and forth through that channel with lightning-fast speed and minimal fees.
  • Close the Channel: When you're finished transacting, you close the channel. The final balance is then settled on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The Importance of Open Protocols and Liquidity

The Lightning Network, as an open protocol, is not controlled by any single entity. This open nature fosters competition and innovation, allowing anyone to build upon it and contribute to its development. One crucial aspect of the Lightning Network's growth is liquidity, which refers to the amount of Bitcoin locked up in payment channels. Higher liquidity generally leads to a more robust network with more successful payment routes.

Why is the "Bitcoin is too expensive" worry silly?

The worry that "Bitcoin is too expensive" is unfounded because, unlike traditional assets like real estate, Bitcoin is divisible to eight decimal places. This means you can buy a fraction of a Bitcoin, as small as 0.00000001 Bitcoin, also known as a satoshi. This divisibility makes it possible to invest in Bitcoin regardless of the amount of money you have. Discover ways to earn free Bitcoin and stack sats.

Bitcoin as a Property Asset

Bitcoin allows for self-custody, meaning you can hold your Bitcoin directly without relying on third-party institutions like banks or exchanges. This direct ownership is similar to how you can own and self-custody a fraction of Bitcoin, unlike traditional property like a building. While real estate can generate rental income and be mortgaged, you can't buy a fraction of a building and take direct possession of your fractional ownership.

Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

  • Bitcoin: You can buy a fraction of a Bitcoin and have complete control over it. No third party can seize or censor your transactions because of its decentralized nature.
  • Real Estate: While you can leverage real estate to acquire Bitcoin, you cannot purchase a fraction of a building and have independent, verifiable ownership. Real estate is subject to regulations, taxes, and the risk of seizure.

Bitcoin and Real Estate as Forms of Money

Both real estate and Bitcoin share some characteristics that make them attractive in a portfolio. Like real estate, which can generate rental income, Bitcoin can be used as collateral for loans.

However, Bitcoin surpasses real estate in terms of:

  • Liquidity: Bitcoin is easier to buy, sell, and transfer globally compared to real estate.
  • Portability: Bitcoin can be moved effortlessly across borders, while real estate is immobile.
  • Accessibility: Bitcoin offers a lower barrier to entry as you can invest small amounts, unlike the significant capital required for real estate.

While the source does not explicitly mention how Bitcoin and real estate compare regarding their function as money, we can infer that Bitcoin's superior liquidity, portability, and accessibility may make it a more efficient form of money in the modern digital age.

How to withdraw 1M sats to self-custody

The provided sources do not contain specific information on how to withdraw 1,000,000 sats to self-custody. However, the sources do discuss the benefits of Bitcoin self-custody using methods such as hardware wallets. Hardware wallets are physical devices that store private keys offline, adding an extra layer of security to your Bitcoin. It's important to keep in mind that losing your private keys means losing access to your Bitcoin permanently. Learn about the safest hardware wallets.

Some individuals choose to store a portion of their Bitcoin with a custodian while keeping the rest in self-custody. This can provide a balance between security and the potential for earning yield or having professional management.

Satoshis: Rabbit Hole

Granular Details of Satoshis

Technical Foundation

Satoshis are the smallest unit of Bitcoin, and their existence is made possible by the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model. In this model, every transaction on the Bitcoin network is made up of inputs and outputs. When you receive Bitcoin, it is added to your wallet as a UTXO, which represents a specific amount of Bitcoin that you can spend in future transactions. Each UTXO can be divided into smaller units down to one satoshi, allowing for precise and flexible transactions.

Economic Implications

The economic implications of satoshis are significant. As Bitcoin's value continues to rise, the ability to transact in smaller units becomes increasingly important. Satoshis allow for microtransactions and make it feasible to use Bitcoin for everyday purchases, even as the price of a single Bitcoin becomes prohibitively expensive for many people. This divisibility is crucial for Bitcoin's scalability and long-term viability as a global currency.

Future Potential

The future potential of satoshis lies in their ability to democratize access to Bitcoin. By enabling fractional ownership, satoshis make it possible for people of all income levels to participate in the Bitcoin economy. This inclusivity is a key aspect of Bitcoin's mission to create a more equitable financial system.

As Bitcoin adoption grows, the use of satoshis in various applications is likely to expand. We could see sats being used in innovative ways, such as in micropayments for digital content, pay-per-use services, and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms. The Lightning Network, which relies on satoshis for fast and low-cost transactions, is already demonstrating the potential for satoshis to revolutionize payment systems.


Satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin, play a critical role in making Bitcoin a versatile and accessible currency. Their divisibility ensures that Bitcoin can be used for transactions of all sizes, supporting both micro and macroeconomic activities. As Bitcoin continues to evolve and its adoption grows, the importance of satoshis will only increase, cementing their place in the future of digital finance. Whether you are a seasoned Bitcoin investor or new to the world of cryptocurrencies, understanding and utilizing satoshis will be essential in navigating the Bitcoin ecosystem.

The Bitcoin Rabbit Hole 🕳️ 🐇

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